Friday 26 September 2014

Final image 2

This image has also undergone a minimal amount of editing, and my photographer mainly concentrated again on changing the lighting to the dusky light we want to reflect through each image. Again the image crop was reduced to focus on the model, and also the architecture of the house. The cosmetic changed that were produced here were that more texture was added to the models natural hair that blended into the synthetic hair. Although I have crimped her hair prior to application, it did not hold as well as I had liked and therefore my photographer and I decided to apply a more visible texture across the whole wig. The wig has a lot more light exposure bouncing from it in the new edited lighting, which has made the wig look slightly yellowed, however when viewed in full frame this is not as visible as when panned in onto the face.
I chose this image to carry on from the first image as the composition of the model close to the building carry on the setting initially set. The narrative carries on with Titania now seeking attention from the human monarchy (still not understanding her unseen faerie state). She is wearing a green eyeshadow, representing the envy she has to be part of this society, and also a fuchsia pink lip, causing a intentional clash of colours, pulling the audience to her face. The wig is propositioned along with the models back against the wall of the building, and this portrays Titania being neglected from the home and left outside. The wig is shot from the side with the flowers adhered, which keeps the natural detail and basis of narrative in the storyline in a subtle way.
If I could change anything in this image, I also would consider an extra application of eyeshadow, however I was happy with the liberal application of the green shadow, and I think the editing has just slightly filtered the effectiveness of the green from the image. I am very happy with the wig, however was slightly reluctant to use this image as I feared the wig looked as if it was being 'leaned' against the building to stay upright - which I assure you is not the case. Please see the complete 8 images on a previous post, to see another image of this wig freestanding.
Overall I am very happy with the application, in particular the wig, which took me a lot of time to figure out how to apply it, but once applied the hair colour was blended really well, and also the make-up application was particularly effective with the costume, especially the lips combined with the patterned floral shoe. 

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