Saturday 27 September 2014

Initial final image selection and unplanned reshoot

After a day of shooting, myself and Rachael sat down and selected what we thought were the best images. We found this quite easy and obviously as this was Rachael's part of the project I was more than happy to compromise and value her expertise and opinion on this. The above images have all been edited to contain a similar element of lighting, as we found that the image at the top centre right, which was shot at sunset contained the best light, whereas the rest had very bright lights from the suns high location. The lighting gives off the effect of the spring summer feel the shoot needed to have and I am over the moon with the images and how they work together with the styling and hair/make-up. 
However the image above only shows 7 of the 8 images Rachael required - this is because we did not find the close up editorial beauty shot we had wanted on the day. This was a problem, and although we had tried our best to compromise with the remaining images, we came to the decision that we had to shoot an editorial close up on a separate occasion. This is something we hadn't planned would happen, however we worked together with our model also to find a time that we could all pull together and get the required shot. We have chosen to do this on Friday 5th December at 6:45am, so that when the sun rises at 8am we can get the shot on some local greenery located in winton, and that will fulfil the brief. 
 On the friday morning, we started early and I applied the second cage wig which was simple but also the wig we got the least shots of on the day. The make-up was the brown gold natural smokey eye, which worked beautifully with the colour of the lips (fuchsia gloss pink) and the models skin tone. We used a bush located at the end of Rachaels garden on the day, as it was such a close shot the background actually had become an irrelevant issue. And the final shot we got was absolutely brilliant. I am pleased we did shoot this again as I had time on my hands on the day to create a precise, perfect make-up which would showcase my ability and work incredibly well as a beauty shot to submit for my project.

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