Monday 8 December 2014

Alternate Midsummer Nights Dream Contexts

I wanted to look at alternate interpretations of Shakespeares work and how it can contribute to my project.
Image taken from

The 2011 theatrical production of A Midsummer Nights Dream Utah. Titania the fairy I am basing the project on more and more, is an older actress in this production. She is adorned in white with a floral cape which draws away from the characters royal roots i feel. She wears a small headpiece which looks quite insect like and isn't as glamorous as the role of Titania should be.

Image taken from

This image is from The Royal Shakespeare Company's adaptation of the production in 1981. This was the most successful production of AMSND to date and although the image is not clear the costume is absolutely stunning (see below left)  The black corset top of the dress represents the night element of the production and i feel the pinks and purples represent the 'midsummer'. The colour palette is very floral, and some of these colours will defiantly be used within the floral aspect of my outcome.    

(Image below from RSC)

<<^^ Images from Gorgeous Pfeiffer ...
The next context I looked at was film. To date there has only been one Big budget movie of AMSND in 1999. Michelle Pfieffer starred as Titania and is seen to have very beautiful natural make-up and natural long blonde hair with a suttle unstructured curl. The film is based in the woods and is directly linked to nature. Flowers often adorn Michelles hair, and this is something that will back up my concept of flowers within my production.

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