Friday 12 December 2014

Photography collaboration

After devising my concept for this project, I was contacted by a third year photographer Rachael Cameron to discuss a potential whole project collaboration. Rachael and I discussed each others briefs and also too a photocopy each of these. Rachael's ideas included adapting her shoot into a high fashion commercial shoot based around fairies which fitted perfectly with my brief of 'A midsummer nights dream'.
Some things I had to consider before agreeing to the collaboration were;
- Timescale - Were our deadlines at a similar time? Fortunately they are 4 days apart so this will work well as we progress through the project together.
- Equal Responsibility/Authority - It is essential we split our work load and consider important decisions together. This will prevent either of us creating a full body of work whilst the other reaps the reward of the final shoot by not pulling their weight essentially!
- Compromising - If there is an issue to be addressed good team work and compromise is also essential as this is a joint venture.
- Weekly meetings - We also have arranged to meet weekly so we are up to speed with our work and how it is combining as one. Also so we can discuss any developments.
- Independence - Although this is a joint project, an essence of independence is also key, as we do not want to almost intrude on our specialist field, although opinion is key and this links back to compromise.
This enabled me to write my proposal for the project.

I also looked at 'Make-up is art' which is a comprehensive book on working within the make-up industry. They have a small section on collaborating with other artists which I found interesting to reference, and is something I would like to read back on after the collaboration and compare.

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