Thursday 20 November 2014

Making a Wig Base

Before using the lace and net to create the wig base, the most important process is making sure the wooden block is padded out to fit the models template and impression exactly. Then the sections of 'lace' 'foundation and 'caul' are drawn out correctly with specific diameters. For this particular wig, the caul was measured out 7cm from the hair line, and this created a parting of 4cm on the lace - 5.5cm for the small section with the parting. Unfortunately I completed this whole process on a malleable block, but noticed just before placing the lace on so was able to rectify the situation by redoing the process onto a wooden block. I could of cut up my template and restock it together on a wooden block, however i though this was a risk to the accuracy and therefore chose to redo it.
Once the template was transferred onto the block, I was able to begin using points to pin my foundation into place. This is done first, as it is the largest part of the base.
This is a process I am familiar with and found it relatively familiar. I also was able to leave a section at the bottom of my nape which will be a double seam - something I didn't do last year and will hopefully demonstrate my skills as a wig maker and the accuracy and presentation this time around.

The next part of the base I applied was the caul net. This only required two darts in it, due to my model having quite an extended back of the head (she has a large bulk of hair even when wrapped) so I made them as symmetrical and presentable as I can. I also added a double seam on the net which just ensures the structure is secure. I then applied the lace which unfortunately I hadn't taken a photo of at the time, but I have at later stages when hair is applied. I found the process as mentioned familiar and think my presentation and accuracy of the base has definitely improved.

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